Instagram Stories Marketing for Custom Shops

Instagram Stories Marketing for Custom Shops


Instagram Stories Marketing for Custom Shops

If you own a Custom Auto or Motorcycle Shop, you probably already use Instagram to some extent. If not, you should. Marketing with Instagram is proving itself to be an excellent strategy to get more followers. Getting more followers generally leads to more customers, so it surely cannot hurt to use this free and user-friendly App. Besides the ability to post on Instagram, there is a feature called Instagram Stories available.

Why use Instagram Stories for your Custom Auto or Motorcycle Shop?

The primary benefit to an Instagram Story, is that the “story” is pinned to the top of your Custom Shops business profile for 24 hours. Your profile doesn’t get all cluttered up in the process. Instagram is an app designed for mobile users and it only takes a few taps to get your “story” out to the masses.

It seems that the fact that they disappear after 24 hours is somewhat magical in garnering immediate attention – if they capture the viewer’s interest in the first place. If there is a video inside the story, it is allotted 15 seconds of view time. There are ways around that, but let’s stick to the basics for now.

Are Instagram Stories Hard to Create or Plan?

Essentially, Instagram Stories are not difficult to create and post. Hubspot published an article which is very helpful to those that are new to Instagram Stories. It’s useful to learn how to do this in case.

Part of knowing what to post for your Instagram stories is watching how your viewers interact with your content. There are important statistics to pay attention to:

  • Note what time of day you seem to get the most engagement.
  • Pay attention to what type of story gets the most interaction, for example: photo versus video clips.
  • Pay close attention to who is engaging the most and if they are the follower you are looking for that could become a potential customer.

After all, if you have a business Instagram page, it’s about getting more customers, so it’s beneficial to pay attention to these things.

However, we also know that most business owners are busy supervising the day to day operations. It’s hard to manage all aspects of a business to perfection. Which is why we offer this service to Custom Auto and Motorcycle Shops nationwide.

Some of the Many Features of Instagram Stories:

    • Hashtags – helps others find specific content
    • Collaboration – team up with other businesses
    • Polls – Instantly tap an answer – great for engagement
    • Templates – Get to know your audience
    • Links – External Links, but only for those with 10K or more followers
    • Video – Live!
    • News – Just that, something newsworthy regarding your business or industry
    • Reaction Sliders – Adjust per reaction
    • Location Maps – Pinpoints location
    • Contests – Fun and Easy
    • Announcements – Showcase anything!
    • Questions – Lets your audience ask questions

At Custom Shops Marketing, we understand that learning about each one of these can become a bit overwhelming. We understand that you opened your Custom Shop because you specialize in what you do. Marketing has become more than running a copy of your business card in the service pages of the local newspaper. And, we agree, a LOT more complicated.

Because our expertise lies in online marketing, it only makes sense that this service became part of our portfolio. You don’t have to try to do this yourself.


We can Create Eye Catching Stories

We create eye-catching stories with custom graphics and video animation for your Custom Shop. We have the expertise to make your business look like a rock star on Instagram! Don’t let your competition get all the attention.

Could Your Custom Auto or Motorcycle Shop Benefit from Our Services?

If you want to attract new customers, and retain the ones you have now, then yes! It’s important to understand your brand and goals first, though. Each Custom Shop is unique. We provide a free initial consultation regarding any of our services and we don’t expect a commitment for providing this service.

Want to find out more about our Instagram Stories Marketing for Custom Shops?

For more information, please schedule an appointment. We’ll be happy to provide any information you need about Instagram Stories Marketing for Custom Shops and discuss the needs of your particular business.

 Call now 303-993-0911