In this article, several methods for lead generation will be discussed that you can start using today for your Custom Shop
When it comes to digital advertising, it is very important to create landing pages that your leads can see. Having landing pages tailored to your specific target audience is going to be way more effective than any other page on your site. When your target audience lands on a page made for them, they will get the information that they wanted right away, instead of having to search for it. Try tying that into a contact form for a great lead generation method.
Buying incentives can also be extremely valuable in lead generation. For example, if a person received an incentive for buying a product they needed, this can often sway them to opt in. Then if you provide an additional incentive to choose your business, your lead base will explode.
Do not forget to use consumer reviews and case studies to your advantage. If there is data supporting your claims (aka customer reviews), people will buy from you. Try using relevant studies that can prove what your product can do, such as testimonials from people that have used and liked your product.
You are more likely to generate real leads when you are established as trustworthy. Avoid screaming ads and offers that seem cheesy or too hyped up. Also, keep your offers factual and current at all times. That way you will appear more trustworthy.
Call people who are close to your business to see who might buy from you. You might be surprised, there are many people that may need what you are offering. From new custom work to just a small modification, there is someone who needs what you’re selling, so give them a call.
Local lead groups can really help you get a good start. If your business is hyperlocal, you’ll find that these groups can be a huge help. For instance, while one person may not be able to assist you with a problem, they can give you the number to the person they use to help you out.
Make sure to target the lead gathering you are doing so people that are interested in your service or product can take advantage of it. Other leads will prove less fruitful. Target people who can benefit from your product or service.
You can speak to folks while you wait in lines or run other daily errands. It is always great to be friendly, plus they may have need of your product or service. One tip is to keep your sales pitch on hold until the right time comes up. Talk to the person and get a feel for who they are. If they seem likely to be a prospective customer, discuss the subject, but keep it light.
Look for subscriptions if you’re blogging. This allows your customers to receive reminders when you make new posts. Blogging also is a great way to help generate more leads from your existing customer base. It is a very critical element of generating new leads for any business, and it does so in many ways.
The size of your budget does not matter as much as a plan that focuses on attaining your goals. Once you have started, you can closely monitor all of your efforts, so you know what is working and what is not. The tighter your budget, the more monitoring you’re going to have to do so that your money is going in the right places.
To really make sure you are bringing in leads, you must also pair up your website with social media. From LinkedIn to Facebook to Twitter, you should try everything available. Try several types of campaigns with A/B testing to learn what works best with your customers.
Don’t push aside direct mail, it can help sometimes. Even though it is easy to be cheap on marketing, try not to ignore direct mail. As fewer businesses use this avenue, you become more noticed in your niche by using it. Test this method to see if it works for you.
This article has shown you how important generating leads can be for Custom Shops. Good leads make for long-term customers, while bad leads just waste your time.
Brad Killgore is a Best Selling Author, Speaker, Military Veteran, and Strategic Marketing Expert with over 15 years of experience in the industry. Brad loves to spend time with his family and 3 grandchildren. He is an avid traveler who lives full-time with his wife in their luxury RV. He has worked on some of the biggest concert stages in the world and met some of the most famous Rock Stars on the planet. Brad is a car and motorcycle enthusiast who has attended thousands of concerts over the last 45 years. Brad has been featured on top media outlets for his outstanding marketing results for America’s Best Shops.